Data Privacy

Because we take our members' and volunteers' privacy and data protection rights seriously, and to comply with GDPR legislation we adhere to the following Data Protection and Privacy policies:

Villages Wednesday Club Data Protection Policy

Scope of the Policy

The Four Villages Day Centre, known as the Villages Wednesday Club [hereafter referred to as the Club], is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of the members and volunteers involved with the Club. 

This policy sets out the requirements of the Club to collect personal information and details how the information will be gathered, stored and managed. The policy will be reviewed and updated if relevant changes occur or if there are amendments in legislation, to ensure continued compliance. The policy should be read in conjunction with the Club’s Privacy Notice.

The policy ensures the Villages Wednesday Club:

•Complies with data protection law and follows good practice

•Protects the rights of all members and volunteers

•Is open about how it stores and processes members’ and volunteers’ data

•Protects itself from the risks of a data breach

The Villages Wednesday Club will ensure that:

•The only people able to access data covered by this policy are those who need to communicate with, or provide information regarding, the members and volunteers

•Guidance will be given to those responsible for handling personal data

•Data will be kept secure, including locked storage of hard copies of information and password protection of electronically held data

•Data will not be shared without prior consent for specifically agreed reasons (with limited legal exceptions)

•The personal information will be refreshed periodically to ensure its accuracy

•Any queries regarding data protection will be addressed by the Committee

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 - Data Protection Principles 

In order to comply with the legislation the Club undertakes to adhere to the principles identified in the GDPR: 


1.Process personal data fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner 

The Club requests personal information from members and from volunteers for communication and welfare purposes. The forms used to request information will contain a privacy statement advising informants as to why the information is being requested and what it will be used for. They will also be asked to provide their consent for the information to be shared for specific purposed to specified parties. They will be informed of who to contact should they wish their data to be removed or wish to terminate their consent for it to be shared. Such requests will be acted upon promptly.

2.Process the data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes

The Club will seek to ensure the information obtained is only used for the purposes for which it has been obtained and not used inappropriately. The Club will ensure that data is managed in such a way as to not infringe an individual member’s rights including the right to be informed, the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability and the right to object.

3.Ensure that the data is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is processed

The Club will only request information that is relevant to being a member or volunteer of the Club. 

4.Personal data must be accurate and where necessary kept up to date

The Club will review and update all data on a regular basis however members and volunteers will also be informed to let the Club know if any of their personal information changes.

5.Only keep personal data for as long as is necessary

The Club will not retain personal data longer than necessary and will normally delete electronic data and destroy hard copy data within a month of a member or volunteer giving notice and leaving the Club – there may be exceptional circumstances such as if there is a legal or insurance investigation.

6.Personal data must be processed in a manner ensuring appropriate security of the data including unauthorised processing or accidental loss, damage or destruction

The only people able to access data covered by this policy are those who need to communicate with, or provide information regarding, the members and volunteers; guidance will be given to those responsible for handling personal data; data will be kept secure, including locked storage of hard copies of information and password protection of electronically held data.

Subject Access Request

Members and volunteers have a right to access personal data relating to them held by the Club. Requests should be made to the Manager in writing and will be dealt with expediently, and in all cases in less than a month, unless there are exceptional circumstances why the request cannot be granted. The Manager will record any such requests and the date of response.


Photographs are classified as personal data therefore consent will be obtained from members and volunteers in order for photographs to be taken and used for promotional purposes. Should a member or volunteer wish to remove their consent at any time they should contact the Manager.


Villages Wednesday Club Data Privacy Notice

The Four Villages Day Centre, known as the Villages Wednesday Club [hereafter referred to as the Club], takes your privacy rights seriously.  This policy sets out the purposes for which we collect your personal data, who we share it with and your rights in relation to the data.

Why we collect personal information

The lawful basis for collecting and storing your information is for communication and welfare purposes.

The personal information we collect

Members are requested to provide information including, but not restricted to: name, address, telephone number, date of birth, doctor, next of kin and medical conditions. Volunteers are requested to provide information including but not restricted to: name, telephone number and email address.

How we collect your personal information

The information collected is obtained directly from you or from your next of kin and will be held on a membership form or electronic contacts list.

How we use your personal information

We use your information to communicate with you or to contact your next of kin in respect of your welfare.

Who we share your personal information with

We may disclose information about you, including your personal information:

•Internally – for example we may give a driver providing you with transport your name and address

•Externally - with your consent we may need to give your personal information to a doctor, health practitioner, family member, emergency services, police.

How long we keep your personal information

Your information will not be kept longer than necessary and we will normally delete electronic data and destroy hard copy data within a month of a member or volunteer giving us notice and leaving the Club. There may be exceptions such as if there is a legal or insurance investigation.

How your information can be updated or corrected

To ensure the information we hold is accurate and up to date members and volunteers need to inform us as to any changes to their personal information.  Should you wish to view the information we hold or advise us of amendments please contact the Manager - Nicola Mendelssohn on 01403 372747 or email We will usually respond within 14 days of the request being received however there may be circumstances where we are not able to comply with the request such as where the information contains references to other individuals or for legal, investigative or security reasons.

They will be informed of who to contact should they wish their data to be removed or wish to terminate their consent for it to be shared. Such requests will be acted upon promptly.

How we store your personal information

Members’ and volunteers’ personal information is kept on securely stored hard copies and electronically with password protection.


This Notice, together with the Data Protection Policy, is available to view on our website at privacy.html and in hard copy at the Club.


Should you wish your data to be removed or wish to terminate your consent for it to be shared, or if you have any queries, comments or complaints regarding this policy please contact Nicola Mendelssohn, phone 01403 372747 or email, who will refer the matter to the Committee if necessary.