members enjoying a fish and chip lunch
Blunden Court

Our Club was founded in 1989 as the Four Villages Day Centre, to serve elderly and housebound residents of Bramley, Wonersh, Blackheath and Shamley Green. Nowadays we also welcome those living in surrounding villages if they are registered with Wonersh Surgery. We provide a sociable day out, and when people first come they are often surprised and delighted to be meeting up with old friends and acquaintainces.

We get together every Wednesday at Blunden Court, Bramley, for a chat over morning coffee, followed by a home-cooked lunch, entertainment and afternoon tea. Transport is provided if needed.

To find out if the Villages Wednesday Club is right for you, why not come along and meet our friendly managers Nicola and Sue, or phone Nicola on 01403 470895, or email manager@fourvillages.co.uk

We meet at Blunden Court, behind the library in Bramley High Street, from 10am to 2.45pm every Wednesday. Members are charged £6 per session.


We rely on the generosity of our local community to fund the running of the Wednesday Club. Our costs are minimal thanks to the tireless efforts of our volunteers, but we still have rent to pay and food to buy, as well as funding excursions and weekly entertainment, so any donations are very gratefully received.

It's now easier than ever to make a donation to us using our Just Giving page:
